We meet on the second and fourth Thursday of the month in the Fellowship Hall from noon to 1 pm. Please bring your own lunch.
You’re invited to join us in one of the many Sunday School Classes held each Sunday at 9:30 a.m. Sunday School Classes for every age level, from preschool through adult, are available to provide a range of opportunities for Christian growth.
Please join us for a time of fellowship at 10:05 a.m. between Sunday School and our morning worship service.
Join us for our morning worship service! Visit our Sermons page to watch on Facebook Live or come join us in person. Session has voted to suspend the requirement to wear a mask during worship given the wide variety of people’s needs and perspectives. It is still recommended that you do so.
Rehearsals are Sundays after the morning worship service. May you feel led to sing a joyful noise to the Lord. Please reach out to Don Mobley for more information.
Youth in grades 6th-12th are invited and encouraged to be a part of Presbyterian Youth Fellowship (PYF) where we worship, fellowship, serve and grow together in faith and love.
Please feel free to join us in this sewing ministry every Wednesday from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Wednesday Evening Meals are scheduled to begin again on Wednesday, January 12, 2022. If you and/or your family are planning to attend, please email or call the church (fpcbdge@gmail.com; 229-246-3930) to make reservations. Mrs. Beulah and Mrs. Alice need this important information. Thank you.
Please join us for Pastor John’s Wednesday night Bible study each Wednesday at 6:35 p.m.
Who: Anyone who wants to learn more about the women of the Bible When: 1st & 3rd Thursdays at noon Where: Plowden House How: Go by the Church office and get your Twelve Women of the Bible study guide and join us for our first lesson on August 3rd!