Through the congregation God’s people carry out the ministries of proclamation, sharing the Sacraments, and living in covenant life with God and each other. In the life of the congregation, individual believers are equipped for the ministry of witness to the love and grace of God in and for the world. The congregation reaches out to people, communities, and the world to share the good news of Jesus Christ, to gather for worship, to offer care and nurture to God’s children, to speak for social justice and righteousness, to bear witness to the truth and to the reign of God that is coming into the world.G-1.0101
First Presbyterian Church reaches out to others both at home and abroad. Each month has a particular mission focus–a way for us to channel our prayers, time, and gifts, to help a specific organization or cause.

The third Sunday of each odd month, our Mission & Outreach Committee hosts a “Mission Breakfast” at 9:30am in the Fellowship Hall. The fourth Sunday of each month the monthly mission offering is collected.
This year we are supporting: