Children's ChoirThe music program at First Presbyterian Church is one of its great strengths and is central to our rich liturgical life. It is dedicated to fulfilling our mission to lead the congregation in joyful worship through music. We have a strong singing congregation who welcome the opportunity to raise their voices during services and other musical occasions.

We hope you will be blessed by the concerts and worship services we offer. Pray for us as we aim to give God our best in all these endeavors, and mark your calendars so you won’t miss a single event!

Chancel Choir – “Breathe on Me” by B.B. McKinney

Chancel Choir – “In the Name of the Lord” arranged by Mary McDonald

Chancel Choir – “There Is a Savior” arranged by Mary McDonald

Chancel Choir – “An Easter Celebration” by Wes Cameron

Chancel Choir – “Risen Indeed!” by Marty Parks

Jake Armstrong – “The Lord’s Prayer” by Albert Hay Malotte

Jake Armstrong – “The Holy City” by Stephen Adams

Chancel Choir with soprano Martha Mobley – “Were You There?” by Raymond H. Haan