Together, they are all committed to serving God by sharing their talents and supporting the members of our church in a wide range of mission and ministry.
The Christian Education ministry oversees all educational opportunities for our children, youth, and adults. They also are responsible for Vacation Bible School, the Fall Festival, Easter Egg Hunt, as well as the Godly Play Christmas Eve service and our summer Joyous Journeys programming.
The Christian Education ministry oversees all educational opportunities for our children, youth, and adults. They also are responsible for Vacation Bible School, the Fall Festival, Easter Egg Hunt, as well as the Godly Play Christmas Eve service and our summer Joyous Journeys programming. The Mission & Outreach ministry is responsible for our monthly congregational mission opportunities.…
The Fellowship & Nurture ministry is responsible for the care of our members and friends through providing meals, special needs, as well as maintaining contact with those who are unable to participate in our programming. They host our Second Sunday luncheons, coordinate our Wednesday night suppers, funeral luncheons, and assist in the planning of our all-church…
The Fellowship & Nurture ministry is responsible for the care of our members and friends through providing meals, special needs, as well as maintaining contact with those who are unable to participate in our programming. They host our Second Sunday luncheons, coordinate our Wednesday night suppers, funeral luncheons, and assist in the planning of our all-church…
The Mission & Outreach ministry is responsible for our monthly congregational mission opportunities. Each month they share a Moment for Missions, and collect a Mission Offering for an organization that we support. They are also responsible for our Mission Breakfasts that happen on the third Sunday of odd months.
The Personnel & Ministry Development ministry is responsible for supervising the church staff. The Stewardship & Finance ministry is responsible for our Stewardship season, church budget, and overall giving by the congregation to continue the work & mission of our church.
The Stewardship & Finance ministry is responsible for our Stewardship season, church budget, and overall giving of the congregation to continue the work & mission of our church.
The Worship & Music ministry is responsible for initiating and maintaining a sense of reverence, joy, and praise among the congregation through worship. This ministry coordinates the sanctuary decorations and flowers as well as our monthly Communion and special seasonal worship services.